
If you’re planning a home improvement project or commercial job, it’s important to know what type of contractor is best for your needs. There are many different types of contractors out there, each with their own specialties. Here are 20 common types of contractors that you might need when starting a project:

20 Essential Types of Contractors in 2022

General Contractor

A general contractor is responsible for the overall coordination of the project, including:

  • Management of subcontractors and suppliers. The general contractor needs to know who’s doing what and when, as well as how much each item will cost. They should be able to communicate effectively with all parties involved in order to get things done on time and within budget.
  • Management of project budget. The general contractor is also responsible for managing their own budget so they can stay on track with their client’s timeline and financial goals.
  • Management of a schedule that follows agreed-upon milestones or other criteria set by the owner or client (e.g., political elections).

Since general contractors are probably the most common type of contractor, I’m going to go into more detail about them.

A general contractor is a person or company hired to supervise and perform construction projects. General contractors do not specialize in any one area but are responsible for completing all types of jobs, from the smallest home improvement projects to larger commercial construction jobs. General contractors can be self-employed or work for a general contracting business. To be successful as a general contractor you must have good communication skills, people skills, be able to work well with deadlines, and have good management and organizational skills. In some cases there may be certain requirements that need to be met before becoming a general contractor For example obtaining an apprenticeship may be necessary before working independently as a general contractor.

A general contractor is a person or a company hired to supervise and perform construction projects. General contractors are responsible for the overall coordination and management of a construction project. They hire subcontractors, with whom they collaborate to build structures such as homes, offices and schools.

A general contractor can also be an independent business that hires its own employees or works through franchises. A business that hires its own employees is known as a “full service” general contractor; those that work through franchises are called “limited service” contractors because they do not perform some of the services required in most projects (for example, electrical work).

General contractors do not specialize in any one area but are responsible for completing all types of jobs, from the smallest home improvement projects to larger commercial construction jobs. General contractors are responsible for the entire project from start to finish, including planning and designing the job, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, purchasing materials and equipment, hiring subcontractors or other workers as needed to complete their work on time.

General contractors must be knowledgeable about a wide range of construction-related issues including building codes; environmental regulations; zoning laws; product specifications; material costs; labor rates/wage requirements; work hours limitations (e.g., overtime payments); worker safety regulations; etc.

General contractors can be self-employed or work for a general contracting business. You can be a general contractor if you’re self-employed or if you work for a general contracting business. If you decide to become an independent contractor, there are several things to keep in mind:

  • You will be responsible for paying your own taxes, as well as any other expenses associated with running your own company. That means that you’ll need to have enough cash on hand to cover these costs before starting your business.
  • It’s important that you know how much money is coming in from each project—and how much it’s costing—so that you can accurately track expenses and make sure everything runs smoothly.
  • If something goes wrong on one project, it could affect all of the projects happening at once (or potentially even future ones). That’s why it’s important to find ways of improving efficiency wherever possible so that there aren’t any delays or mistakes along the way.

To be successful as a general contractor, you must have good communication skills, people skills, be able to work well with deadlines, and have good management and organizational skills. You will also need to be able to handle stress well because this is a high-stress occupation. Other skills you might need include:

  • Organizational Skills – This includes being able to plan out your projects in detail so that everyone knows what their duties are for each task or project.
  • Time Management Skills – You need to ensure that all jobs get completed on time or ahead of schedule so that clients aren’t waiting for their remodels or construction projects.
  • Problem-Solving Skills – General contractors often face problems during the course of their work that they must solve quickly before they become bigger issues like delays in construction due to weather conditions slowing down progress significantly

In some cases, there may be certain requirements that need to be met before becoming a general contractor. For example, obtaining an apprenticeship may be necessary before working independently as a general contractor. Apprenticeships are designed to provide hands-on training and education in the construction industry.

Apprenticeships vary from state to state but typically take anywhere from two years to four years to complete. They are usually sponsored by unions or professional organizations, like the Associated General Contractors of America (AGCA). The goal of an apprenticeship program is to teach students how to apply their skills in real-world situations so they’re prepared for any situation they might encounter during their career as a general contractor

As a general contractor, it is your responsibility to ensure that all licensing and permits are obtained. Depending on the state and location of your project and the type of work being completed, you will be required to get appropriate licensing and permits. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to obtain these.

If you are a small business owner completing this type of project on your own, you may need to hire an attorney or someone familiar with local laws in order to obtain all necessary paperwork.

If you are part of a large corporation with lawyers who handle such matters for you, then it will be their responsibility (though they’ll probably keep tabs on what’s going on).

General contractors are typically responsible for securing workers’ compensation insurance for themselves and temporary laborers employed by their company. As a general contractor, you will be responsible for securing workers’ compensation insurance for yourself and temporary laborers employed by your company. Although this is not an area of law that most people think about when they hire a general contractor, it is an important responsibility that could save you from having to pay large sums of money if an employee were injured on the job.

If you want to become a general contractor and have the desire to be self-employed, there are many opportunities for you. You will need to have good management skills, organizational skills and people skills in order to be successful in this career path. You must also be able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines.


A home builder is responsible for the entire construction process. They are responsible for the design, construction and marketing of the homes they build. Homebuilders are also responsible for the planning, financing and marketing of their projects.

Commercial General Contractor

A commercial general contractor is a type of contractor who works on larger projects, such as commercial buildings and industrial facilities. If you’ve ever seen the building of a new hotel or hospital, this is likely the type of contractor hired by the owner to oversee all other contractors involved in the project, including plumbers, electricians and roofing specialists. They may also be responsible for managing subcontractors who work under them.

Design-Build Contractor

  • Design-Build Contractors are the construction companies that handle all of the building and construction work. They design, build and sometimes repair homes, buildings and other structures.
  • Design-Build Contractors work with architects and engineers to create blueprints for their clients’ projects.
  • They work with homeowners or developers who want to hire a contractor but don’t want to deal with the planning or organizing required during construction. These people just give their ideas to the contractors and let them do their job!
  • Design-Build Contractors may also work with contractors such as plumbers, electricians, drywallers etc., as well as subcontractors that specialize in certain areas like plumbing fixtures or lighting fixtures for example. But sometimes these jobs require specialized skills so they’re usually done by different people working together on each project… which is where we come in!

Remodeling Contractor

If you’re looking to fix up your home or office, a remodeling contractor is the person who can help. They specialize in renovations and repairs and are usually hired by homeowners to do smaller projects like painting, tiling, or installing cabinets or countertops. Businesses also hire remodeling contractors for larger projects like building a new office or adding on a wing.

If you’ve got the skills and tools needed to complete these types of jobs yourself but want help estimating costs so that you don’t end up spending more than necessary on materials and supplies, then consider hiring an architect instead.

Restroom Trailer Provider

Not exactly the coolest type of contractor job, providing portable restroom facilities is both in demand and helpful — I’ve definitely appreciated their work more than a few times at concerts! So, what do they do? They provide portable toilets, sinks, and even showers for all sorts of uses, from semi-permanent industrial sites

Roofing Contractor

When you think of a roofing contractor, you might picture a person who installs gutters and skylights. Well, that’s part of the job description. In addition to installing and repairing roofs, they are responsible for installing and repairing gutters and skylights. And even though they’re not typically thought of as solar panel installers, some roofing contractors specialize in this service as well!

Concrete Contractor

Concrete contractors are responsible for the concrete work on a project. They will pour the concrete and finish the concrete in order to ensure that it is durable and looks nice.

Flooring Contractor

A flooring contractor is someone who installs, repairs, replaces and refinishes floors. Flooring contractors work on hardwood, linoleum, tile, carpet and resilient flooring. They also do repair or replacement of existing floors. Some contractors specialize in residential flooring while others focus on commercial jobs.


A drywaller is a professional who installs drywall. Drywall is a sheet of gypsum plasterboard, which is used to finish interior walls and ceilings, as well as exterior walls. It can also be used to finish basements.

Drywallers are responsible for many aspects of the job. They must measure and cut sheets of drywall to fit inside an existing space; they glue or screw these sheets together into one large wall; they install metal studs and metal channels behind the sheetrock so that it has strength when installed; they then add plasterboard onto these channels using screws or nails (the latter are preferred because they won’t split the sheetrock like screws might); finally, they sand down any rough spots in order to prepare it for painting or staining!


In a general sense, an electrician is someone who specializes in electrical work. Electricians can repair or install wiring, fixtures and equipment for a variety of purposes including residential and commercial applications.

  • Installation of electrical wiring, fixtures and equipment: This includes installing lighting fixtures, receptacles (outlets), switches, dimmers and other devices that require electricity to function.
  • Installation of electrical systems: This includes the installation of various types of electrical panels within homes to help manage the flow of power throughout your home. They may also install subpanels which can help reduce overall usage when multiple items are turned on simultaneously in different parts of your house at once.
  • Installation of outlets & switches: Outlets are used to supply electricity to one or more devices at any given time while switches allow you control over which device(s) receive electricity from said outlet(s). Both outlets and switches should be installed correctly by professionals rather than attempting this yourself as improper installation could cause damage or even start fires if not done correctly!


Plumbers install and repair pipes carrying water, gas, steam and other liquids and gases. Plumbing fixtures are devices that can be joined together to form a plumbing system. They include faucets (valves), pipe fittings and fixtures, traps, etc. A wide variety of materials (metals, plastics) are used to make these items in order to fulfill the needs of their customers—some products are even customized based on those needs!

Plumbers also install drainage systems; heating systems using boilers or radiators; ventilation systems using fans; air conditioning systems using compressors; washing machines; dishwashers; refrigerators; freezers for storing food items in your home or apartment building(s).

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technician or Mechanic

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) technicians or mechanics install, repair and maintain heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. They may also be called HVAC mechanics or refrigeration mechanics.

Painter and Decorator

A painter and decorator is a tradesperson who is responsible for painting, wallpapering and decorating. They may also be responsible for paint and wallpaper removal, varnishing and distempering, decorating and papering, wallpaping or any combination of these services.

Painting contractors can provide the following services to their clients:

  • Interior or exterior painting
  • Window glazing
  • Wallpapering (interior and/or exterior)

These are just some examples of what painters do on a regular basis.

Landscaper, Groundskeeper or Gardener

A landscaper, groundskeeper or gardener is responsible for maintaining the aesthetics of a property. They also work with plants and trees. They can work in public spaces, private homes and businesses, schools and universities or even botanical gardens and arboretums.

Landscapers are often hired to create new gardens that are designed to meet clients’ tastes. In addition to planting flowers and shrubs in designated areas (such as flower beds), they also maintain existing gardens throughout the growing season by weeding out any dead plants or weeds that might hinder growth. They may also need to prune trees during certain times of the year depending on what type of tree it is; if left unpruned too long it could become dangerous when conditions change because its roots are not able to support themselves anymore with its branches being weighed down by snowfall during wintertime months when dormant periods occur where nothing grows until springtime comes around again.”

Tree Trimmer and Pruner

Tree pruning is a specialized field that requires training and certification. Tree trimmers and pruners are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of trees by removing diseased or dead branches. They also ensure that pedestrians, vehicles, and other property are protected from falling limbs and debris. In addition to their knowledge regarding trees, they must understand how their work affects the environment around them—particularly when using chemicals or other potentially harmful substances in their work.*

  • Note: This content has been provided by the contractor you’ve hired directly so the quality control standards may vary from company to company.*

Well Driller and Pump Installer

Well, drilling and pump installation are one of the most dangerous jobs in the construction industry. Well, drillers and pump installers work on a huge range of projects, from digging wells to installing water pumps. They need to be able to operate heavy equipment that can cause serious damage if mishandled. In addition, they need to be able to read maps accurately, so they can plot out their best route for drilling or installing a pump.

Well, drillers must also have excellent problem-solving skills in order to figure out how best apply their skills on any given job site; for example, sometimes you may need more than one person working together when installing a water pump or well because there is too much weight involved with it alone—but each person has different strengths (one might be stronger at lifting while another may be better at driving), so it’s important that everyone knows when they need help as well as how much help they should ask for (this way no one gets hurt).

Septic Tank Servicer and Sewer Pipe Cleaner (also called a Septic Tank Installer)

If you’ve got a septic system, then you know that it’s important to have someone regularly inspect and maintain the tank. If your septic tank servicer doesn’t do his or her job well, then you could find yourself in a world of hurt.

The septic tank servicer or sewers pipe cleaner cleans and maintains septic systems as well as sewer pipes. In some cases, these contractors may also be responsible for installing new tanks—but they usually leave that work to another contractor.

If there’s something wrong with your toilet (or any other plumbing fixture in your home), there are plenty of reasons why it could be malfunctioning: maybe someone flushed too much paper down the toilet; maybe there was some sort of blockage; maybe there was just too much water pressure on the pipes when someone took a shower or used their dishwasher. In any case, these problems are all solvable by an experienced plumber who knows what he or she is doing—and if this happens at an inconvenient time for either party involved (for example: if you’re going away on vacation), then it might make sense for both parties to hire separate contractors who specialize in different areas within their field

Pest Control Worker (except fumigator)

Pest control workers are not licensed or certified by any state, county or municipal government. Their job is to help homeowners with and maintain their property. They may also work in public spaces, such as parks and schools.

While some pest control workers use chemicals, they do not use any pesticides, fumigants or rodenticides. Typically they are trained on how to remove pests without using these toxic substances (which can be harmful to humans).


Why Do Contractors Need to Use Software to Manage their Business

Construction contracting is a tough business. It requires hard work, long hours, and sometimes a lot of luck to succeed. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right tools in place, contractors can focus on their projects and their clients—and not on the administrative tasks that come with running a business. In this post, we’ll explore how contractor software can help you manage your day-to-day operations better so you can grow your business faster.

Building a successful construction contracting business requires hard work and the ability to overcome various obstacles. While you can do this without software, it’s much easier with it. If you want to know how software helps contractors in their businesses, then read on!

Focusing On And Nurturing Relationships

As a contractor, you need to do whatever it takes to keep your clients happy. After all, the more money you make from one client, the less time and energy you’ll have to spend marketing for new business.

The best way to ensure that your clients are happy is by focusing on their needs and not just yours. How? By building relationships with them based on mutual trust and respect—not just by giving them what they ask for but also by stepping in when they don’t know what they need or want themselves! Building relationships takes time but nurturing them over time will help ensure that both parties will stay happy with each other’s services as well as remain loyal supporters of each other throughout their respective careers together.

It’s important because if someone doesn’t trust or respect another person then they won’t feel like they can rely on them when times get tough which could lead down an entirely different path (like ending up alone). On top of this, They won’t feel comfortable talking openly about things going wrong because doing so might jeopardize their standing within their social network.

Keep Your Business Organized

There’s a lot of paperwork involved in running a construction business. Keeping your business organized will help you stay on top of the mountain of documents that need to be filed, and it can also help you avoid any penalties if you’re audited or have to present documentation for insurance purposes.

If keeping track of all your documentation sounds like a headache, don’t worry—there’s software that can help! One example is QuickBooks Online, which allows users to manage their finances directly from their computers. With this kind of software, contractors can easily keep track of inventory and work orders so they don’t miss the details.

Keeping up with paperwork can be stressful for many people, but there are lots of ways technology can make it easier!

Plan For Growth

One of the most important things that a contractor can do to ensure their business is successful is planning for growth. This can be done with software, which allows contractors to track what they’ve done and plan ahead in order to stay on track.

With this information, they’re able to make sure they don’t lose any business opportunities because they’re not prepared for growth. They’ll also be able to control costs as needed so that their budget stays within reach even when expenses go up.

Streamline Communication And Organization With Software

The first thing that you should do when it comes to managing your business is streamlining your communication. You need to be able to get in touch with all of the people who are involved with the project at hand, whether they’re contractors or employees. This can be done using software that makes it easy for everyone to find each other quickly and easily. With this software, you’ll also be able to keep track of all the projects going on within your company so that if something comes up during work hours or before a big meeting, everyone knows what needs doing next.

Focus on Projects

As a contractor, you have a lot going on. You need to manage your time, clients and projects in addition to managing your employees and finances. Without the right software, this can become overwhelming very quickly—and it doesn’t allow you enough time to actually work on your projects.

Software that’s specifically built for contractors can help you manage all of these aspects of your business more efficiently than ever before.

As you can see, there is more than one reason why using contractor software is not only advantageous, but necessary. It keeps your business organized and helps you communicate with clients and colleagues. Most importantly, it makes it easier for contractors to focus on their projects and their clients without being distracted by paperwork or other administrative tasks that eat up valuable time in their day. RunSensible, for example, prides itself on providing literally all the tools contractors need to save time and money while growing their business. Want to know how RunSensible can help contractors? How about you give it a try for free, or schedule a demo if you like a tour?

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.