
Stress is a part of life. We all have to deal with it at one point or another. It can be especially hard for entrepreneurs, though, who are constantly juggling multiple things at once. Thankfully, there are many ways to help manage your stress levels and get back on track. Meditation is one of the best options out there because it doesn’t require anything but you and your thoughts — no equipment or even clothing if you want to do nude yoga! I like to think of meditation as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself in whatever way works best for you: through movement, music or even just breathing deeply in silence. These activities all help calm the mind, boost productivity and even improve relationships by making us more mindful about how we interact with others on a daily basis.”


10 Feel-Good Activities for Stressed-Out Entrepreneurs and Business Owners


Breathing is a natural way to relax, focus and get rid of stress. Breathing exercises can help you to calm down, sleep better, and feel more energized.

When you are stressed out or anxious, your breath becomes short and shallow. By practicing deep breathing techniques for a few minutes every morning, you can help yourself gain control over anxiety symptoms and feel less stressed during the day.

Breathing exercises have been shown to improve mental health by lowering blood pressure and heart rate as well as reducing levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).


  • Walk outside. What’s better than a brisk walk in the fresh air? Nothing.
  • Walk around the block. If you have time on your hands, consider walking around your neighborhood or town for an hour or so. This will give you plenty of time to get some exercise and clear your head at the same time.
  • Walk on a treadmill. If it’s raining or snowing outside, all is not lost! You can still get some good cardio in by using a treadmill inside, either at home or at the gym (assuming they allow guests). Turn on some music and zone out while walking as fast as you want (or need) to go—the key here is that no one should be able to tell what’s playing over their headphones unless they’re listening intently enough to hear it through those cushioned earpads!


If you’re looking for a simple way to relax, start with a stretch. A few minutes of stretching will help promote blood flow and muscle relaxation, which can relieve stress and tension. For example:

  • Place your left hand on the floor in front of you and extend your right leg straight back toward the wall behind you with toes pointed up towards the ceiling. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. Then switch sides and repeat (this is known as Downward Facing Dog).
  • Sit in a chair or on the edge of a bed or sofa so that both legs are hanging down off it—you may need to lift one leg at first if it doesn’t reach easily without bending over—then gently pull up on each ankle until they’re straight out in front of you; hold this position for 30 seconds each foot before switching feet again (this is known as Standing Forward Bend).
  • When sitting in a car or plane seat, try putting one foot underneath your knee while keeping both hands relaxed on top of your thighs; hold this position for 30 seconds before switching feet again (this is known as Seated Twist).

Eat mindfully

  • Eat slowly. Take your time and enjoy the flavor of each bite, chewing until the food has been chewed into a liquid before swallowing it. This will reduce your intake of air, which can lead to bloating, gas, and indigestion.
  • Eat only when you are hungry; don’t eat just because there is food in front of you or if someone else is eating a certain amount or type of food (this includes using alcohol as a way to dull hunger pains). Never deny yourself nourishment simply because you don’t want to gain weight—instead, focus on eating foods that offer vitamins and minerals while staying within a healthy calorie range for your body type.
  • Don’t eat just because there’s food available—but do make sure that any time spent eating is pleasant! Make sure everyone at the table feels comfortable by keeping conversation lighthearted even if it means discussing silly topics such as current events rather than serious ones like politics or religion


Meditation is one of the most powerful things you can do to destress. It helps with decision-making, sleep, mindfulness and being present. Meditation has been shown to help calm your mind so that you can better focus on what’s important. Meditation does not have to be complicated or difficult; there are many types of meditation available to fit any lifestyle and schedule.

Read something funny

Reading is one of the best things you can do for your brain. It helps improve your attention span, hone your memory, and boost creative thinking. And those are just a few examples of its benefits! In fact, reading has been linked to all sorts of positive outcomes in people from all walks of life—including entrepreneurs who’ve been busy working hard at their startups or side hustles.

Reading is also a great way to destress after an intense day because it allows you to relax and focus on something other than what’s going on in your mind (like work). Plus, if you read before bedtime, it’ll be easier for you to fall asleep because the words on the page help clear out any anxious thoughts that might otherwise keep you up at night.

Listen to music that makes you happy

When people are stressed, they often turn to music. It’s a way of escaping their problems, which can have the added benefit of calming their mind and body. Music is a great addition to any meditation session as it can help you relax more quickly (and stay relaxed afterwards), but if you’re not sure what kind of music works best for you when trying to relax and meditate, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Listen to music that makes you happy. If there’s one thing we all need during stressful times, it’s happiness! Choose songs that make you feel good about yourself so your mood improves with each note.
  • Listen to music that makes you feel relaxed or calm down. Stressful situations often cause us anxiety, making us tense up and get all worked up over things we don’t need to be worried about right now anyway—like whether or not our dog needs his shots this month or not… don’t worry too much about those things yet though; just let them go on by while listening peacefully through all these lovely new tunes!

Watch a favorite movie or TV show

Watch a favorite movie or TV show.

This is one of the easiest ways to relax and unwind, especially if you have a mental list of your favorite shows or movies. It may seem like an obvious choice, but it’s critical that you choose something that makes you happy and not something that makes you sad, angry, anxious—or any other emotion that isn’t positive.

View the sunset (or sunrise)

You can do this at home with a window or at a park or beach. You can do it alone or with someone else, your pet (if you are lucky enough to have one). It doesn’t matter where you are; just find your way there and enjoy the view.

Sunsets are calming, beautiful and can help you focus on the present moment. You can do it alone or with someone else, your pet (if you are lucky enough to have one). It doesn’t matter where you are; just find your way there and enjoy the view. Sunsets are calming, beautiful and can help you focus on the present moment.

Have a nice, soothing cup of tea.

Tea is a great way to relax, get antioxidants and vitamins.

If you are struggling with stress in your life and want to find ways to relax then I recommend you try having some tea before bed. This will help calm you down and make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

There are many different types of teas out there, but one thing they all have in common is that they are packed with antioxidants which can help fight off diseases as well as give us energy throughout the day!

20 Mediation and Yoga Activities for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate. You have to take care of your family, run a business and deal with all the stress that comes from being in charge of a team. In fact, according to recent research cited by Harvard Business Review, many entrepreneurs experience high-stress levels and burnout symptoms—both physical and mental—which can lead to depression or even suicide. But there are ways for stressed-out entrepreneurs like yourself to manage their anxiety and focus on wellness: meditation and yoga are two great ways to de-stress while getting your mind right so that you can stay healthy mentally as well as physically!

The Deep Breathing Meditation

There are many different techniques for practicing deep breathing meditation, but the point isn’t to follow a specific one. The point is to just breathe deeply and focus on the feeling of your breath moving in and out of your body.

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted by other people or noises around you.
  • Sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair with both feet flat on the ground (if sitting cross-legged isn’t comfortable). You can also lie down if this is more comfortable for you—just make sure that your arms aren’t crossed across your chest so that they’re not constricting circulation (and therefore making it difficult to breathe).
  • Close your eyes and take several deep breaths through both nostrils while allowing each breath to flow all the way from the bottom up into your nose, down into your lungs, up through the back of those same lungs, down into their base again, then finally out through both sides at once before beginning again with another short inhalation followed by an even shorter exhalation (this cycle should repeat over and over again until it feels like one continuous motion). Do this for five minutes at first if possible—then gradually increase how long you do it as time goes on; aim for 20 minutes total in about three months’ time if possible!

The Mantra Meditation

One of the most popular forms of meditation is mantra meditation. Mantras are words or phrases that are repeated over and over, usually in a soft voice. They can be used to focus the mind, relax the body and connect with the divine. You can use a specific word or phrase that has a special meaning for you (like one from a spiritual tradition or your own creation).

Some examples of mantras include: “Om,” “Shanti,” “I am whole” and “May all beings be happy.”

The Body Scan Meditation

  • Lie down on your back and rest. If you’re in a position where it’s comfortable to do so, keep your eyes closed.
  • Do a body scan by beginning with one foot, working up through each leg, then hips, torso (including chest, belly and back), shoulders and neck. Then move up the face to the head: ears, nose and mouth; forehead; temples; cheeks; jawline; chin; then finally returning to the feet again.
  • Go through this process at least five times—or as many times as you can manage in one sitting—until you feel ready to open your eyes again.

The Walking Meditation

You will be focusing on the breath, the body, and the present moment. You can use this meditation as a way to relieve stress and tension by focusing on something other than your problems.

Start off by taking a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth—this will help you clear your head of all thoughts before starting with this walking meditation. Once you’re ready, begin walking at a slow pace for about 30-60 minutes or until you’ve completed one circuit around an area (such as your neighborhood). During this time don’t worry about thinking about anything else but what’s around you—notice any sounds or sensations in your body as well as what’s happening in front of you or behind/to either side of where ever it is that are currently walking.

The Loving Kindness Meditation

This meditation is one of the most important and powerful meditations, especially for stressed-out entrepreneurs. As the name suggests, this practice involves focusing on love, kindness and compassion.

This meditation is a good way to start any day because it helps you focus on positive feelings first thing in the morning. You can do this as soon as you wake up or during your commute to work (if you drive). It will also help you be more patient with others in general throughout your day because it reinforces an attitude of loving kindness toward yourself and others.

The Loving Kindness Meditation involves directing unconditional love toward yourself, which then extends outward to friends and family members before finally reaching strangers in need of support or relief from suffering (elderly widows living alone) etc…

Nondual Meditation

Nondual meditation is a type of yoga that focuses on your breath and the present moment. It can help you to relax, focus, and still your mind so that you can become more aware of what’s happening around you. While there are no specific steps or guidelines for how to meditate—as each person’s experience will be slightly different depending on their needs—the goal is generally to find peace within yourself by focusing on one thing at a time. Some people choose to focus on their breathing, while others may choose an object like an apple or flower until they’re ready to move on to something else like their body sensations or emotions. The important thing is just finding what works best for each individual person as well as how long each session should last (some may only need 10 minutes, whereas others might need over 60).

Mindfulness of Thoughts Meditation

This meditation is a great way to train your mind. You’ll learn how to focus on the breath, and when you notice that your thoughts have wandered away from the breath, you can bring them back gently without judging yourself or getting frustrated.

As you do this meditation, try focusing on each part of the breath: inhale through your nose (or mouth), exhaling through your nose (or mouth), inhaling into the chest area, exhaling into the chest area, inhaling into your stomach area or back region (for example), and finally exhaling from those areas. For example: Inhale in through my nose…exhale out through my mouth….Inhale into my lungs…exhale out of my lungs….Inhale into my right side….exhale out of my right side…etc

Mindfulness of Breathing

  • Breathing is the most natural thing in the world.
  • Breathing is always with us, and we can do it at any time, anywhere.
  • Breathing is a great way to relax and reduce stress because it brings awareness to your body.

If you’re stressed out and looking for a quick way to unwind, mindfulness of breathing can be a great option. It’s easy to do and requires no special equipment or preparation—all you need is yourself and some quiet time. When we breathe mindfully, our focus shifts from the external world to what’s going on within us. Thus, when we are mindful of our breath (or any other physical sensation), it gives our mind something concrete on which it can focus rather than whatever has been stressing us out. This helps us become less anxious by helping us stay in the moment without worrying about what might happen later or how badly things went earlier in the day.

How to do it: Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight but not stiff. Close your eyes, and imagine that an invisible string is attached to the top of your head, pulling it up gently into the sky. Imagine that this string is pulling you taller and taller as you sit there. Once you are comfortably sitting up straight, focus attention on one thing: your breath.

Simply observe the breath as it moves in and out of your body, feeling each inhalation and exhalation moving through you. If your mind starts to wander away from this simple act of breathing—to what happened earlier today or what might happen tomorrow—simply redirect its attention back to the breath.

This can be a great way to begin your meditation session.

Mindful Yoga Pose I (Mountain Pose)

How to do this pose:

Stand with your feet together, spine straight, and arms at your sides. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. On the next inhalation, raise both arms above your head and stretch them out as far as possible without straining. Relax for five seconds, then return to a standing position in one smooth motion as you inhale. Repeat three times.

What you should be feeling: You should feel invigorated after completing this exercise — it’s like shaking off all the energy that wasn’t needed before the day started! As with most yoga poses, there are no specific benefits of Mindful Mountain Pose besides increased flexibility and strength in certain areas of the body (especially legs). However, if you lack energy during busy days at work or home, this pose may be up your alley! How often should I do this pose?

You can practice Mindful Mountain Pose every morning before starting work or during lunch breaks when lunchtime is less stressful than mornings because everyone else has already finished eating, so now there’s plenty more room around tables, etc. If something stressful happens throughout, like maybe a big meeting goes bad, or someone calls about an urgent deadline coming up soon — just try calming yourself down by doing this simple but effective act first thing after waking up each morning until things calm down again–and remember that everything will fall into place eventually :)

Mindful Yoga Pose II (Warrior Pose)

When you’re feeling stressed out, it can be hard to relax. There are so many things running through your mind that it’s hard to focus on anything else. But if you take the time for a few minutes each day to practice mindful meditation, you’ll notice an improvement in how relaxed your muscles are and how calm your mind feels.

Relaxed muscles: When you learn how to relax the muscles in your body, they won’t be tense or tight anymore. This will help prevent headaches or backaches caused by stress!

Relaxed mind: When our minds are relaxed we can think clearly instead of worrying about everything in our lives all at once. That way we can focus on what needs doing right now instead of worrying about other things later on down road somewhere after this moment has passed us by already…

Mindful Yoga Pose III (Forward Bend)

  • Forward Bend: This is a simple but effective pose to relax the back and shoulders. To get into the forward bend, you can use a chair, wall or even use an exercise ball as support.
  • Chair Forward Bend: Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you and put one hand on each side of your hips for balance. Then slowly lean forward until your upper body hangs over your legs like an upside-down L shape with lots of space between your head and hands (or feet).
  • Wall Forward Bend: Stand about two feet from the wall with both hands placed flat against it at shoulder height, then lower yourself down into an upright V-shape, making sure that you don’t lift or tense up too much while doing this pose.
  • Partner Forward Bend: Have a partner stand behind you while holding onto both hands behind their back, then gently push them forward so they can experience what it feels like when someone else pushes us into something uncomfortable yet necessary for growth (like meditation!). Don’t worry though! They won’t fall over! Just keep going until they’re all stretched out before letting go so they can return themselves back upright again without any help from anyone else involved–just like how we all need our own effort alone in order to grow spiritually too!! That’s what makes us stronger people who aren’t reliant upon others’ opinions or beliefs…amirite? :)

Mindful Yoga Pose IV (Tree Pose)

This is a great pose to do when you’re feeling anxious or stressed out. It’s also known as “tree pose” because of how you should look in this position—like a tree with its roots firmly planted into the ground and reaching up towards the sky.

Holding this pose for about 20 seconds will help calm your mind and give you a much needed break from whatever it is that’s bothering you!

To do this exercise: stand with your feet together and arms by your side. Lift your left foot off the ground and put it on top of your right thigh (it might help to have someone spot it). Reach arms up overhead and breathe deeply as you hold for 20 seconds before repeating on other side.

Mindful Yoga Pose V (Bridge Pose)

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Bring both arms out to the sides, palms facing up.
  • Lift your hips off the floor as high as you can while keeping them in line with your knees and shoulders. Your torso should be pointing toward the ceiling, and your toes should point toward each other (this is where this pose gets its name). Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then lower down slowly to rest in Child’s Pose for 3 breaths before repeating again for 2 rounds total.

Benefits: This pose helps to stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen while strengthening the back, hips, and legs. It also stretches the front of the body and helps relieve stress in both your body and mind.

Mindful Yoga Pose VI (Corpse Pose)

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, then you probably work long hours without enough rest. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can make it difficult for you to sleep at night. The corpse pose is a resting pose that will help you relax and get some much-needed rest. It’s also a great way to end a yoga session or even just take a break from your busy day-to-day life when you’re feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.

You can do this activity anywhere! You don’t need special equipment, and there are no rules about how long you should stay in corpse pose—just lay down on the ground wherever feels comfortable for however long feels right (or until someone arrives). You can do this activity with your eyes open or closed; whatever works best for whatever else is going on around you at that moment in time!

Entrepreneurs can manage stress and focus by using meditation and yoga.

There’s nothing like being a stressed-out entrepreneur. The pressure of managing your business, plus being responsible for the livelihood of your employees and their families, can be overwhelming. But with the right tools and techniques, you can find peace in the midst of chaos.

The best way to manage stress as an entrepreneur is by using meditation and yoga. Meditation teaches us how to control our thoughts so that we don’t get overwhelmed by them; yoga helps with flexibility, balance, and strength, which are all important parts of meditation; both activities teach us how to focus our attention on one thing at a time no matter what else is going on around us; both activities help us relax which reduces stress levels overall (the relaxation response); finally, both activities help increase mindfulness which means being aware in the moment rather than worrying about things that have already happened or might happen in future – something very useful when managing stressful situations!

With the help of meditation and yoga, you can get back to doing what you love and make a positive impact on the world. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below!

Join a Yoga Studio?

If you’re feeling like the yoga and meditation exercises are starting to work, reducing your stress and improving your productivity, it may be time to join a yoga studio. A boutique yoga studio can be a great experience when starting out, and it’s going to help you find activities and exercises that are more suited to your mind and body.

Make sure you take the time and select a good yoga studio with all the right equipment — including the right yoga studio software. A good yoga studio software will make sign-up and scheduling much easier for you.

A Few minutes of meditation can help you destress and make better decisions

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the responsibilities of running a business. You may be thinking, “There’s no way I can take time out of my busy schedule to meditate!” But meditation doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing deal—even just five minutes will help you destress, make better decisions, and enjoy your work more.

Here are some tips for incorporating meditation into your daily life:

  • Don’t think of it as time away from something else; think of it as time added in addition to everything else you’re doing.
  • Everyone can find five minutes here and there throughout their day—whenever you’re waiting for something or waiting for someone (for example, at a red light or with other people in line), use that time for meditation!
  • If possible, try meditating during your commute (for example, on public transportation or while driving). The same goes if you walk home from work every day—you could easily set aside 5-10 minutes before bed each night and meditate then instead (or even both ways!).

By now, you’ve probably figured out how to meditate while travelling and while working. Here are some tips on how to do it at home: If possible, try meditating during your commute (for example, on public transportation or while driving). The same goes if you walk home from work every day—you could easily set aside 5-10 minutes before bed each night and meditate then instead (or even both ways)! By now, you’ve probably figured out how to meditate

Don’t Let Work Overwhelm You

Okay, this may sound like useless advice — if you ask someone how you can stop stressing out so much and they tell you to “just stop stressing!” it only helps because the need to smash their head overwhelms the stress for a while! Seriously though, despite seeming like a useless, too-obvious recommendation, freeing up some of your time and reducing your workload can do wonders for your entrepreneurship.

There are different ways to do that. You can, for example, hire a new employee to handle this or that part of the business. This means you can afford to part with more money, which may be difficult at first. Also, most entrepreneurs cannot put someone else in charge because there are no “experts” in what they’re trying to do. Creating something new means working outside the usual fields, and it can be hard to find someone who has been there before and can handle things.

There is, of course, another way to free up time without having to add someone new to your entrepreneurial business. Entrepreneurs, especially solopreneurs, know how much time they have had to sink into meaningless but necessary administrative tasks. Scheduling, invoicing, marketing, invoicing, payment, communications, and more can stack up to time-consuming tasks that eat up big chunks of your time, reducing your productivity, and, naturally, increasing your stress.

There is a very easy way to deal with these admin tasks without digging too deep into your pocket and draining your entrepreneurship budget. I’m talking about an all-in-one CRM and business management software designed specifically for entrepreneurs. RunSensible, for example, is a feature-rich, comprehensive platform that brings together and integrates all the tools that any entrepreneur or startup founder will need throughout the entire ride.

Save time and reduce your workload by letting RunSensible take care of t

he administrative tasks — online scheduling calendars, designing and sending email campaigns, handling calls and communications on a native business phone, branded invoicing and payment gateway, inventory management, and so much more!


As you can see, there are many ways to meditate and destress. You don’t have to be a spiritual guru or yoga master to reap the benefits of meditation—you just need to take a few minutes out of your day, find somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed, sit down in an upright position with your eyes closed or open but unfocused on something calming (like a candle), and focus on your breath.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.