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California Courts | Legal Forms – UD-110S

Published On: June 10th, 2024

UD-110S- Judgment Unlawful Detainer Attachment – California Courts

The form “UD-110S Judgment—Unlawful Detainer Attachment” is a legal document used by the California courts to detail judgments in cases involving unlawful detainer, commonly related to disputes over rental properties. Approved for optional use by the Judicial Council of California and first introduced on January 1, 2003, it adheres to specific legal statutes cited from the Code of Civil Procedure and the Civil Code.

This form facilitates the declaration of conditional judgments where the plaintiff (landlord) might have breached the covenant to provide habitable premises, leading to the defendant (tenant) paying reduced rent due to reported defects. It specifies defects, the duration they existed, and the adjusted rent due to these defects.

Further sections of the form detail the possible outcomes and obligations, including attorney fees, repair orders by the plaintiff, and the eventual possession of the property, aligning with the judgment’s final decision. It also outlines procedures for filing declarations under penalty of perjury and the setting of court hearings to ensure compliance and resolve ongoing issues.

The document serves not only to deliver a judgment but also to maintain an ongoing oversight by the court to ensure that conditions laid out in the judgment are met by both parties involved.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the UD-110S form, which is used for cases involving disputes over rental properties in California:

Basic Information

  • Case Number: Enter the case number assigned by the court.
  • Plaintiff: Write the name of the plaintiff (landlord or property manager).
  • Defendant: Write the name of the defendant (tenant).

Details of Judgment

  • Section 7: This section is for conditional judgments where the plaintiff must have breached the covenant to provide habitable premises.

– 7a: List each defect on separate lines, including the month or period the defect existed, and specify the percentage or amount by which the reasonable rental value is reduced.

  • Month defect existed
  • Defect
  • Reasonable rental value is reduced by (specify percentage or amount)
  • Reduced monthly rent due
  • Total rent due in the 3-day notice: Adjust the total rent due as specified.

Legal Rights and Obligations

  • Section 7b: Specify any attorney fees and costs entitled to the defendant.
  • Section 7c: Detail the amount the defendant must pay to be considered the prevailing party.
  • Section 7d: State how and when the judgment will be entered for the defendant.
    • Date, Time, Dept., Room: Specify the details if a hearing is set.

Financial Calculations

  • Section 7f: For the plaintiff to win the judgment, indicate:
    • Past-due rent
    • Holdover damages
    • Attorney fees
    • Costs
    • Other

Possession and Lease Terms

  • Section 7g: State the plaintiff is awarded possession of the premises, including the address.
  • Section 7h: Indicate whether the lease is canceled or forfeited.

Additional Information

Fill in any other pertinent details as specified in other sections of the form.

Verification and Submission

  • After filling out all the necessary sections, the form should be signed under penalty of perjury (refer to form MC-030 for declaration details).
  • Ensure proof of service is attached, verifying that the other party has received the filled-out form.
  • Submit the completed form to the appropriate court as directed.

Make sure you fill out the form carefully and accurately to reflect the judgment’s details and comply with legal requirements. If unsure about any sections, consult legal advice to ensure correct completion and submission.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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