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Florida Bar | Pasco County – Affidavit of Damages

22 Affidavit of Damages – Pasco County, Florida

The “Affidavit of Damages” form from Pasco County, Florida, is a legal document used in the county court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit for cases involving landlord-tenant disputes. It is specifically employed when a landlord claims that a tenant owes unpaid rent and possibly other damages. The affidavit must be filled out by the landlord or the landlord’s agent, indicating their relationship to the case and attesting to the damages under oath.

This form also requires the filer to certify that a copy of the affidavit has been communicated to the defendant, ensuring that the defendant is informed of the claims against them.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out this form:

Step 1: Case and Party Information

Step 2: Affiant’s Statement

Step 3: Details of Rental Agreement and Damages

Step 4: Verification and Notarization

Step 5: Service of Affidavit

Additional Information

Final Steps

When filling out the “Affidavit of Damages” form for cases in Pasco County, Florida, it is important to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation and figures on hand. This includes copies of rental agreements and payment records. If you have any doubts about how to fill out the form correctly or the legal implications of the entries, it is recommended that you consult with a legal professional. This guide is designed to assist you in accurately completing the form.

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