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Florida Bar | Pasco County – Complaint for Eviction Failure

09 Complaint for Eviction Failure to Comply with Lease (Other Than Failure to Pay Rent) – Pasco County, Florida

The document titled “Complaint for Eviction Failure to Comply with Lease (Other Than Failure to Pay Rent)” is a legal form used by landlords in Pasco County, Florida, to initiate eviction proceedings against tenants who have violated terms of their lease agreements other than non-payment of rent. This form is filed in the County Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pasco County.

The complaint outlines the steps the landlord has taken to notify the tenant of the lease violations and asserts that the tenant has failed to correct the infringing behavior. It concludes with the landlord requesting a court judgment for possession of the property, effectively seeking to evict the tenant.

Additionally, the form provides spaces for the landlord to list their contact information and acknowledges any assistance they received in completing the form, with spaces for the assistant’s name and contact details. This document is essential for landlords seeking legal recourse for lease violations other than non-payment of rent in Pasco County.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out this form:

Court Information

Party Information

Property and Lease Details

Violation Notice


Plaintiff’s Statement

Demand for Judgment

Landlord’s Contact Information

Assistance in Form Completion

Additional Tips

Make sure all the information is complete and correct before filing to avoid delays in the eviction process.

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