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Legal Forms

Florida Bar | Pasco County – Designation of E-mail Address

Published On: June 10th, 2024

11 2.602 Designation of E-mail Address for a Party not Represented by an Attorney – Pasco County, Florida

The document is a form titled “Designation of E-mail Address for a Party not Represented by an Attorney,” designed for use in the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court of Pasco County, Florida. This form facilitates a party who is not represented by an attorney to designate an email address for the electronic service of documents related to a case. It is required pursuant to Rule 2.516(b)(1)(C) of the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration.

The form requires the user to input their designated primary and secondary (if any) email addresses. By completing this form, the user authorizes the court, the clerk of the court, and all other parties involved in the case to send notices, orders, judgments, motions, pleadings, and other written communications to these email addresses. It emphasizes the user’s responsibility to keep these email addresses updated with the clerk’s office and all parties involved in the case.

The form also includes a section for the Certificate of Service, where the user certifies that they have provided a copy of the completed form to the clerk of court and the parties involved, indicating the method of delivery—email, postal mail, or physical delivery—and the date it was sent.

Lastly, it requires the user’s signature, printed name, email address, physical address, and phone number to complete the form’s requirements.

Here is a helpful guide to assist you in completing this form:

Step-by-Step Instructions

Court and Case Information

Fill in the blanks at the top of the form with the appropriate court name and case number, as well as your role in the case (e.g., Plaintiff or Defendant).

Designating E-mail Addresses

  • Primary E-mail Address: Enter the primary e-mail address you wish to use for receiving all case-related electronic documents.
  • Secondary E-mail Address: If applicable, provide a secondary e-mail address. This is optional but recommended as a backup.

Authorization and Responsibilities

  • Understand that by providing your e-mail address, you authorize the court, clerk of the court, and all other parties involved in the case to send you legal documents electronically.
  • You are responsible for keeping the clerk’s office and all involved parties updated if your e-mail address changes.

Certificate of Service

  • After filling out the form, you need to send a copy to the clerk of court and all other involved parties. You must indicate the method you used to send this information (e-mail, delivery, or mail) and the date it was sent.
  • Details to Include
    • County name where the clerk’s office is located.
    • Names and addresses of all other parties to whom the form was sent.

Signature and Identification

  • Sign the form at the designated signature line.
  • Print your name, provide the e-mail address you designated earlier, your physical address, and your phone number.

Submitting the Form

Submit the completed form to the relevant court office. Ensure you retain a copy for your records and confirm that all parties have received their copy as indicated in the Certificate of Service.

Additional Tips

  • Keep a digital copy of the form for your records.
  • Check regularly to ensure the e-mail address remains active and is capable of receiving all court communications.
  • If you change your email address, promptly update the court and all parties to avoid missing important documents.

By following these instructions, you can ensure that you properly designate an email address for receiving legal communications, which is crucial for staying informed about your case.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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