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Legal Forms

Georgia Court | Tenancy Forms – Marshals Entry of Service

Published On: July 8th, 2024

Marshals Entry of Service – Georgia Court

The “Marshals Entry of Service” form is used by the Fulton County Marshal Department in Georgia to document the service of legal process in dispossessory cases. This form is utilized within the Magistrate Court of Fulton County and is intended for use by marshals to record the manner and details of serving legal documents to defendants in eviction (dispossessory) actions. It ensures that the process of serving legal documents is thoroughly documented and compliant with legal requirements.

This form is designed for marshals in Fulton County, Georgia, to document the service of legal documents in dispossessory (eviction) cases. Follow this guide to accurately complete the form.

Header Section

  • Verify that the court name is “Magistrate Court of Fulton County, State of Georgia.”

Attorney or Plaintiff’s Information

  • Fill in the Attorney or Plaintiff’s Name and Address in the provided lines.
  • Ensure accuracy as this information is crucial for the legal process.

Name and Address Section

  • Provide the Name and Address of the PLAINTIFF and DEFENDANT in the appropriate sections.

Service Types

  • Personal Service
    • Fill in the defendant’s name in the blank after “I have this day served the defendant(s).”
    • Complete the date and have the deputy sign in the provided space.
  • Notorious Service
    • Enter the defendant’s name and describe the individual who received the documents on behalf of the defendant.
    • Provide details such as age, weight, height, and the relationship to the defendant.
    • Fill in the date and the deputy’s signature.
  • Corporation Service
    • Enter the corporation’s name and the name of the person in charge of the office who received the documents.
    • Fill in the date and the deputy’s signature.
  • Tack and Mail Service
    • Fill in the defendant’s name and details of the tacking and mailing process.
    • Ensure to complete the date and the deputy’s signature.
  • Better / Non-Est Service
    • Provide a detailed description of the diligent search made and the reason the defendant was not found within the jurisdiction.
    • Fill in the date and the deputy’s signature.

Deputy Signature

  • Each section has a space for the deputy’s signature. Ensure that the deputy signs and dates the relevant section after completing the service.

Review and Submission

  • Provide a thorough explanation if the defendant is not found.
  • Double-check all filled information for accuracy.
  • Ensure all relevant sections are completed and signed by the deputy.
  • Submit the form to the appropriate office as per the court’s procedures.

By following these steps, marshals can accurately complete the “Marshals Entry of Service” form, ensuring proper documentation and compliance with legal requirements.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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