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Government Alberta | Forms – RTDR0005

RTDR0005 – Declaration in Support of Substitutional Service in Alberta

This form, titled “Declaration in Support of Substitutional Service in Alberta – RTDR0005”, is a legal document used within the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS) framework. It is designed for use by individuals (either landlords or tenants) seeking to apply for substitutional service when they have been unable to successfully serve the Application Package to the other party through standard methods. This declaration includes sections for detailing the respondent and applicant information, attempts at service, the proposed method of substitutional service, and a declaration affirming the truthfulness of the information provided. It serves as a formal request under the RTDRS Rules of Practice and Procedure, authorized by section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information or questions about the collection of personal information, contact details for the RTDRS Administrator are provided.

Filling out this form requires careful attention to detail to ensure all necessary information is accurately provided. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Personal and Case Information

Applicant and Respondent Details

Your Role

Specify your role in relation to the application by checking the appropriate box: Landlord, Tenant, Agent, Lawyer, or Other. If “Other,” briefly specify your relationship to the case.

Declaration Section

Signing the Declaration

Additional Information:

Final Steps

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