Government Alberta | Forms – RTDRS12875
RTDRS12875 – RTDRS Fee Waiver Form in Alberta
The RTDRS12875 Fee Waiver Form in Alberta is designed for individuals seeking a waiver of the $75 filing fee for the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS). This form collects personal information under the authorization of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for the purpose of determining eligibility for a fee waiver based on financial need. Applicants are required to provide detailed information about their gross family income, including proof such as pay stubs, income statements, benefit statements, bank statements, and any other documents that verify income. The form must be fully completed and accompanied by the necessary documentation for consideration. It outlines income thresholds based on family size to qualify for the waiver and specifies how to submit the completed form alongside the RTDRS application.
Filling out this form requires careful attention to detail to ensure your request for a waiver of the $75 filing fee is considered. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you complete the form accurately:
- Read the Introduction Carefully
Understand the purpose of the form and the personal information collection statement.
- Gather Required Documentation
Before you begin, collect all necessary documents to prove your gross family income. This includes pay stubs, income statements, benefit statements, bank statements (most recent 3 months), and any other documents proving income. Ensure you have copies of these documents ready to attach to your application.
- Fill in Contact Information
Enter your last name, first name, phone number, address, city or town, province, and postal code in the respective fields.
- Statement of Finances Section
- Marital Status: Indicate whether you are married, living common law, single, or living in an adult interdependent relationship.
- Family Members: Specify the number of people in your family, including you, your spouse or adult interdependent or common-law partner, dependent children, and any other family members living with you.
- Financial Statement: Provide an accurate statement of your family’s finances, including all income received during the past 3 months. Detail additional relevant information for your fee waiver request.
- Gross Family Income Details
Under the “Gross Family Income from All Sources for the Three Month Period” section, list each type of income received and the amount. This includes employment income, disability pensions, social assistance, maintenance/alimony, child tax credits, rental income, investment income, and any retirement income.
- Calculate and Enter Your Average Gross Family Income
Total your gross family income for the 3-month period and divide by 3 to get your average gross family income. Enter this amount in the designated field.
- Income Thresholds
Review the income thresholds listed to understand eligibility criteria based on your family size and gross income.
- Signature
After thoroughly reviewing the information you’ve provided, sign the form to confirm that the details are correct and provide a full disclosure of your financial situation. Include the date of signing in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
- Submission
Submit the completed form alongside your RTDRS application. Preferably, use the RTDRS e-Filing Service for submission. Alternatively, you can mail, deliver in person, or fax the form to an RTDRS office.
Ensure you complete every section of the form and attach all required documentation. Incomplete forms or missing documentation may result in your request being denied.
Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.