Government BC | Tenancy Forms – RTB-54
RTB-54 – Request a Hearing Recording in British Columbia
The “RTB-54 – Request a Hearing Recording in British Columbia” form is designed for individuals involved in a dispute resolution hearing under the Residential Tenancy Act who wish to request a copy of the audio recording of their hearing. It details the procedure for requesting the recording, including email submission instructions and the importance of providing accurate information.
RTB Rules of Procedure
Residential tenancy branch rules of procedure in British Columbia outline the processes and expectations for hearings, aiming to ensure fairness, efficiency, and consistency in resolving disputes between landlords and tenants. These rules cover various aspects, such as procedural fairness, the standard and onus of proof, types and quality of evidence, and the role of advocates during hearings. Procedural fairness is grounded in the principles of natural justice, ensuring that participants have the right to be heard and to an impartial hearing. This includes adequate notice of hearings, the opportunity to present evidence, question the opposing party, and the absence of bias in the arbitrator. The standard of proof in these proceedings is based on a balance of probabilities, meaning decisions are made on what most likely occurred, with the onus of proof typically on the applicant. However, in eviction disputes, the onus shifts to the landlord to justify the eviction.
Hearings can be conducted in various formats, including telephone conference calls, in-person meetings, written communication, video conferences, or a combination of these. Participants are expected to call in at the scheduled time, and recording the hearing is prohibited unless specific permission is granted. The hearing process allows for the presentation of evidence, cross-examination, and the arbitrator’s considerations on preliminary matters, which may include jurisdictional questions or the admissibility of late evidence. The RTB aims to issue a written decision within 30 days after the hearing concludes. When preparing evidence, it is important to ensure that it is relevant, organized, clear, legible, authentic, and complete. Digital evidence, such as photos, videos, and audio recordings, should be accessible to the opposing party and properly detailed on the required RTB forms. The RTB also allows for the use of advocates who can assist in presenting cases and evidence, making legal arguments, and cross-examining witnesses.
RBT Submit Evidence
To submit evidence for a Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) hearing in British Columbia, the rules specify that applicants must submit their evidence 14 days before the hearing date, while respondents have a deadline of 7 days before the hearing. Evidence can include various forms, such as documents, photos, videos, and more. It’s crucial to ensure that the evidence is relevant, organized, and clear. Additionally, all evidence must be served to the other party by the set deadlines. If there’s a need to submit evidence outside these deadlines, it must be brought to the arbitrator’s attention during the hearing for a decision on its admissibility.
RTB 54 Form
The form is structured into three main sections: Requester Information, Hearing Information, and a Declaration by the requester asserting their authority and the truthfulness of the information provided. This document also outlines the usage of recordings for quality assurance and training purposes by the RTB and specifies that recordings will only be released 20 days post a final decision. Essential for both landlords and tenants, this form facilitates access to hearing recordings, ensuring transparency and aiding in review or judicial processes.
Filling out this RTB dispute resolution form is a straightforward process designed to facilitate the request for an audio recording for individuals involved in a Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) dispute resolution hearing. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you complete the form accurately:
Before You Start
Ensure you have the authority to request the recording. Gather all relevant information, including your hearing file number, hearing date(s), and hearing time(s).
Section 1: Requester Information
- Identify Your Role: Specify whether you are the landlord or tenant (or an authorized agent for either).
- Provide Personal Details: Enter your first name, middle name(s) (if applicable), and last name.
- Email Address: Write down the email address where you wish to receive the hearing recording.
- Dispute Address: Fill in the details of the dispute location, including site/unit number, street number and name, city, province, and postal code.
- Contact Information: Provide a contact phone number for any follow-up communication.
Section 2: Hearing Information
- File Number: Enter the file number assigned to your hearing.
- Hearing Date(s) and Time(s): Specify the date(s) and time(s) of your hearing.
- Participant Access Code: If applicable, include the hearing participant access code provided by the RTB.
Section 3: Declaration
- Certify Your Authority: By signing this section, you confirm that you have the authority to request the recording, the information provided is true, and you understand the legal implications of providing false information or misusing the recording.
- Date and Signature: Fill in the date in DD/MM/YYYY format. Then, print your full name and sign the form to validate your request.
Submitting the Form
- Review the completed form for accuracy.
- Email the form to the RTB at using the subject line “Request for a Hearing Recording – RTB File #”.
- Note that the RTB will only accept completed forms and will send further instructions via email.
Important Notes
- Recordings are not released until 20 days after a final decision is made.
- Your personal information is collected in accordance with sections 26 (a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
This form is an essential tool for parties seeking to review the proceedings of their dispute resolution hearing for clarity, review considerations, or judicial review preparations. Ensure all information is accurate and complete before submission to avoid delays in processing your request.
Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.