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Illinois Court | Legal Forms – 5-Day Notice – Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent

Published On: June 24th, 2024

5-Day Notice – Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent – Illinois Court

The 5-Day Notice- Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent form is an official notice approved by the Illinois Supreme Court, commonly known as a “5-Day Notice.” It serves as a formal notification to tenants regarding the termination of their lease due to non-payment of rent. This document ensures that tenants are properly notified of their overdue rent and the consequences of non-payment, providing a clear and structured process for both landlords and tenants.

This form is essential for informing tenants of their overdue rent and the potential termination of their lease if the rent is not paid.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Date
    • Enter the current date at the top of the form.
  1. Tenant Information
    • To (Tenant Names): Write the full names of all tenants listed on the lease. Include “and any unknown occupants” to cover all possible residents.
    • Street Address and Unit: Fill in the complete street address of the rental property, including the unit number if applicable.
    • City, State, ZIP: Provide the city, state, and ZIP code of the rental property.
  1. Rent Amount Due
    • In 1: Enter the total amount of rent that is currently overdue.
  1. Property Address
    • Street Address and Unit: Re-enter the street address of the rental property for clarity.
    • City, State, ZIP: Re-enter the city, state, and ZIP code of the rental property.
  1. Payment Period
    • In 2: Determine the amount of time the tenant has to pay the overdue rent.
      • Check box 2a if the tenant has 5 days to pay.
      • Check box 2b and specify the number of days if the tenant has more than 5 days according to local laws or the lease agreement.
  1. Lease Termination Notice
    • Inform the tenant that if the full amount of overdue rent is not paid within the specified time, the lease will be terminated, and the landlord may file an eviction case.
  1. Landlord or Agent Information
    • Landlord or Agent Signature: Sign your name here.
    • Print Your Name: Print your full name below your signature.
    • Street Address: Provide your current mailing address.
    • City, State, ZIP: Include your city, state, and ZIP code.
    • Telephone: Provide a contact phone number.
    • Email Address: Include an email address if you have one.
  1. Service of Notice
    • After completing the notice, the person serving it should fill out the Affidavit of Service of a Demand or Notice.

Additional Notes

  • Full Payment Requirement: Only full payment of the rent demanded in the notice will waive the landlord’s right to terminate the lease unless the landlord agrees in writing to continue the lease in exchange for partial payment.
  • Affidavit of Service: This affidavit proves that the notice was served to the tenant properly and is necessary for legal proceedings.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the “Notice of Termination for Non-Payment of Rent” form is filled out correctly, providing clear and legal notification to the tenant regarding their overdue rent and the consequences of non-payment.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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