Illinois Court | Legal Forms – Additional Paragraphs for Answer/Response to Complaint/Petition
Additional Paragraphs for Answer/Response to Complaint/Petition – Illinois Court
This form, titled “Additional Paragraphs for Answer/Response to Complaint/Petition,” is an official document used in the State of Illinois, Circuit Court. It is designed for respondents who need additional space to address specific paragraphs or statements from the original Complaint or Petition when filling out their Answer or Response form.
This form is intended to provide extra space for respondents when the main Answer or Response form does not suffice. It helps streamline the legal response process, ensuring that all respondent statements are clearly documented and filed in accordance with court requirements.
Follow these steps to complete the form accurately:
Case Information
- Case Number: At the top of the form, enter the case number associated with your Complaint or Petition.
Determine the Type of Complaint or Petition
- Identify whether the Complaint or Petition you are responding to has labeled (numbered or lettered) paragraphs or not.
Filling Out Section A: Labeled Paragraphs
- If the Complaint or Petition has labeled paragraphs, you need to respond to each paragraph or subparagraph specifically.
- For each paragraph or subparagraph:
- Enter the Paragraph Number and, if applicable, the Subparagraph Letter.
- Check the appropriate box to indicate your response:
- Admit: You agree with the statement.
- Deny: You disagree with the statement.
- Do Not Know: You do not have enough information to agree or disagree with the statement.
Filling Out Section B: Unlabeled Paragraphs
- If the Complaint or Petition does not have labeled paragraphs, you must generally deny all statements except for those you specifically admit or do not know.
- Admitted Statements: Write down any statements from the Complaint or Petition that you admit are true.
- Unknown Statements: Write down any statements from the Complaint or Petition that you do not know.
Final Steps
- Review: Carefully review all the information you have entered to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Filing: Attach this form to your main Answer or Response form. Ensure that all documents are filed with the court according to the court’s instructions and deadlines.
Submit this form along with your Answer or Response to the appropriate Illinois Circuit Court. You can obtain the main Answer or Response form and additional filing instructions from the Illinois Courts website at
Additional Tips
- Seek Legal Advice: If you are unsure about how to respond to specific paragraphs or statements, consider seeking legal advice to ensure your responses are accurate and appropriate.
- Organize Your Responses: Use clear and concise language for your responses to make it easier for the court to understand your position.
- Keep Copies: Retain copies of all documents you submit for your own records.
This guide is intended to help you complete this form correctly, ensuring your responses are clearly documented and filed according to court requirements.
Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.