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Ohio Court | Cuyahoga County – Breach of Mediated Agreement

Motion to Show Cause (Breach of Mediated Agreement) – Ohio Court

The document titled “Motion to Show Cause (Breach of Mediated Agreement)” from the Cleveland Municipal Court, Housing Division, outlines the process for filing a motion when one party in a mediated agreement believes the other party has not adhered to the terms of the agreement.


This comprehensive form ensures that all necessary details are provided to the court, allowing for appropriate legal action regarding breaches of mediated agreements.

Filling out this form requires attention to detail and adherence to legal procedures. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you complete this form accurately.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Identify Yourself
    • Section 1: Indicate whether you are the landlord or the tenant by checking the appropriate box.
  1. Provide Agreement Details
    • Section 2: Enter the date when the mediated agreement was signed. Attach a copy of the signed agreement to your motion.
  1. Describe the Breach
    • Section 3: Clearly explain how the other party has not followed the terms of the agreement. Be specific about what was agreed upon and how those terms have been violated.
  1. Request Court Action
    • Section 4: State what you are asking the court to do in response to the breach of the agreement. Be concise and clear about your request.
  1. Service Clause
    • Service Method: Indicate how you sent a copy of this motion to the other party (e.g., regular mail or other specified methods). Check the appropriate box.
    • Service Date: Provide the date when you sent the copy.
    • Recipient Details: Specify whether the recipient was the plaintiff, defendant, or their counsel, and provide the address of record.
  1. Sign the Motion
    • Signature: Sign and date the form where indicated.

Before filling out the form, note that filing this motion will not stop an eviction. A separate motion for stay must be filed to ask the court to stop an eviction. The party claiming the breach files this motion.

This motion should be filed if:

Legal Requirements

Filing Fees

This instruction sheet is not legal advice. It is recommended to contact a licensed attorney for assistance, as this motion can significantly impact your rights. By following these steps and ensuring all sections are correctly filled out, you will be better prepared to file the “Motion to Show Cause (Breach of Mediated Agreement)” form effectively.

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