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Legal Forms

Tribunal Ontario | LTB: Forms – Reschedule a Hearing

Published On: June 10th, 2024

Request to Reschedule a Hearing in Ontario

The “Request to Reschedule a Hearing” form is a document used for parties involved in a legal proceeding to formally request a change court date Ontario for a new hearing date. It requires detailed information from the requesting party, including personal and contact information, hearing details, and a section for obtaining consent from the other party involved. Additionally, it guides the user on how to submit the request and lists the requirements and implications of rescheduling. This form serves as a structured approach to seek a change in hearing dates while ensuring all parties are notified and consent is documented.

To fill out the request for the LTB hearing schedule again, follow these steps:

  1. Requesting Party’s Information: Fill in your first and last name, mailing address (including unit/apt./suite, municipality, province, and postal code), daytime and evening phone numbers, and fax number if available. Include the street address of the unit, building, or complex covered by the application.
  2. File Number: Enter the file number related to your case.
  3. Hearing Information: Specify the original date of the hearing you wish to reschedule, adhering to the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  4. Consent Confirmation: Indicate whether you have obtained consent from the other party (yes or no) and how it was obtained (verbally or in writing).
  5. Additional Information: Explain why you believe the hearing should be rescheduled. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
  6. Scheduling Information: List unavailable dates for all parties involved (landlord, landlord’s representative, tenant, tenant’s representative) for three months following the original hearing date.
  7. Signature: Sign the form and provide your first name, last name, and phone number. Indicate your relationship to the case (landlord, landlord representative, tenant, tenant representative, or other).

Ensure this request is submitted to the Landlord Tenant Board at least five business days before the original hearing date.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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