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UJS Pennsylvania | Legal Forms – Notice of Appeal Section 8

Notice of Appeal Section 8 Tenant’s Supersedeas Affidavit – Pennsylvania

This form, titled “Notice of Appeal Section 8 Tenant’s Supersedeas Affidavit,” is intended for use in the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Civil Division. It serves as a formal declaration by a tenant who is appealing a Magisterial District Court judgment that awarded their landlord possession of the property they occupy.

This form is essential for Section 8 tenants who are seeking to appeal an eviction judgment while demonstrating their financial hardship and continued eligibility for Section 8 assistance.

To fill out this form, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Court Information
    • File Number: Enter the file number associated with your case. You can find this on the Notice of Appeal or other court documents related to your case.
  1. Plaintiff and Defendant
    • Plaintiff: Enter the name of the party who filed the case against you (usually your landlord).
    • Defendant: Enter your name as the defendant in the case.
  1. Tenant Information
    • Name and Address: Print your full name and current address.
  1. Notice of Appeal
    • State that you have filed a Notice of Appeal from a Magisterial District Court judgment that awarded your landlord possession of the property you occupy.
    • Confirm that you do not have the financial ability to pay either three times your monthly rent or the actual rent in arrears.
  1. Income Verification
    • Declare that your total household income does not exceed the limits set forth in the Supplemental Instructions for obtaining a stay pending appeal.
    • Confirm that you have completed an In Forma Pauperis (IFP) affidavit to verify your financial status.
  1. Rent Payment Status
    • Current Month’s Rent: Cross out the appropriate statement to indicate whether you have or have not paid the rent this month.
    • Monthly Rent Amount: Enter the total amount of monthly rent that you personally pay to the landlord.
  1. Section 8 Program Participation
    • Certify that you are a participant in the Section 8 program.
    • Confirm that you are not subject to a final decision terminating your Section 8 assistance due to non-compliance with program rules.
  1. Verification
    • Verify that all statements made in the affidavit are true and correct to the best of your knowledge, information, and belief.
    • Acknowledge that false statements are subject to penalties under 18 PaC.S. § 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.
  1. Signature
    • Date: Write the date you are filling out the form.
    • Signature: Sign your name in the provided space.

Additional Tips

By following these steps, you can accurately complete the “Notice of Appeal Section 8 Tenant’s Supersedeas Affidavit” form to support your appeal and request for a stay of eviction.

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