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Virginia Court | Tenancy Forms – Form DC-429

Tenant’s Assertion and Complaint (Form # DC-429) – Virginia Court

The Tenant’s Assertion and Complaint (Form DC-429) is a legal document used in the Commonwealth of Virginia for tenants to file a complaint against their landlord. This form allows tenants to assert that their landlord has failed to comply with the rental agreement or applicable laws, creating conditions that may pose a serious threat to the life, health, or safety of the occupants. This form ensures tenants have a structured and legal avenue to seek remedies for non-compliance or hazardous conditions in their rented premises, fostering a fair resolution process within the judicial system.

Filling out the form DC-429 correctly is crucial to ensure your complaint is properly addressed by the court. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you complete the form:

Step 1: Court Information

General District Court

    • Fill in the name of the court where you are filing the complaint.
    • Enter the street address of the court.

Step 2: Tenant and Landlord Information

Tenant (Plaintiff) Details

    • Enter your name(s) as the tenant(s).
    • Provide your address and contact information.

Landlord (Defendant) Details

    • Enter the name(s) of your landlord(s).
    • Provide the landlord’s address.

Address of the Dwelling Unit

    • Fill in the address of the rental property that is the subject of the complaint.

Step 3: Lease Information

Lease Details

    • Enter the date the lease was executed.
    • Specify the date the rental period commenced and the date it ends.
    • Indicate the amount of rent and the payment period (e.g., monthly) along with the conditions of payment.

Step 4: Complaint Details

Conditions and Violations

    • Describe the specific conditions in the dwelling unit or premises that are problematic.
    • Check the appropriate box to indicate if these conditions:
      • Constitute material non-compliance with the rental agreement.
      • Constitute material non-compliance with the provisions of law.
      • Will constitute a fire hazard or serious threat to life, health, or safety if not corrected.

List of Violations

    • List the pertinent section of the rental agreement, section of the Code of Virginia, or type of hazard and explain the violation in detail.

Step 5: Relief Requested

Relief Sought

    • Specify the relief you are requesting from the court (e.g., order for repairs, rent reduction, etc.).
    • You can request any other appropriate relief as well.

Step 6: Certification

Certification by Tenant

    • Certify that all prerequisite conditions for relief, as shown on the reverse of the form, have been met.
    • Sign and date the form.

Step 7: Case Disposition (To Be Filled Out by Court)

Court Use Only

    • The court will fill in the judgment details, including any awarded costs or attorney fees and the distribution of any funds held in escrow.
    • The court will also fill in the case disposition and enter the judge’s signature and date.

Step 8: Service Details (To Be Filled Out by Serving Officer)

Service of Process

    • The serving officer will complete the section indicating how the defendants were served (e.g., personal service, posted on the door, etc.).

Prerequisite Conditions for Relief (Page Two)

Additional Notices


This guide should help you navigate the process of filling out the Tenant’s Assertion and Complaint form (DC-429) efficiently.

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