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Washington DC Courts | Legal Forms – Declaration of Service

Declaration of Service for Landlord and Tenant  – Washington DC

Court Information

Steps to Fill out the Form

  1. Identify the Case
    • Plaintiff(s): Write the full name(s) of the person(s) or entity initiating the case.
    • Defendant(s): Write the full name(s) of the person(s) or entity being sued.
    • Case Year and Number: Enter the specific year and the case number assigned to this case.
  1. Declarant’s Information
    • Your Name and Address: Fill in your full name and address. You must be at least 18 years old and not a party to the case.
  1. Details of Service
    • Personal Service
      • Date and Time: Enter the date and time when you personally served the Defendant/Tenant.
      • Description: Provide a detailed description of the person you served (e.g., gender, approximate age, physical characteristics).
    • Substitute Service (if personal service was not possible)
      • Person of Suitable Discretion: If you left the documents with someone other than the Defendant/Tenant, enter that person’s name and description.
      • Date and Time: Enter the date and time of this service attempt.
      • Relationship: Indicate the relationship of the person to the Defendant/Tenant and confirm they are above 16 years old and of suitable discretion.
    • Posting Service (if personal and substitute services were not possible)
      • Attempts at Personal Service: List the dates and times of at least two unsuccessful attempts to serve the Defendant/Tenant personally or by substitute service.
      • Date and Time of Posting: Enter the date and time you posted the documents on the door.
      • Description of the Door: Provide a description of the door (location, color, any distinguishing marks) and attach a date- and time-stamped photograph.
  1. Mailing Information
    • Address: Enter the address where you mailed a copy of the Complaint and Summons.
    • Date of Mailing: Provide the date when you mailed these documents by first-class U.S. mail.
  1. Service on Corporations or LLCs (if applicable)
    • Corporate Details: If serving a corporation or LLC, indicate the name and address of the corporation or LLC.
    • Description of Person Served: Provide a description of the person served and their role (officer, managing agent, general agent, or any other authorized agent).
    • Date and Time: Enter the date and time of service.
    • Date of Mailing: Enter the date a copy was mailed.
  1. Verification
    • Signature: Sign the form, confirming that the information provided is true and correct.
    • Date: Enter the date when you completed and signed this form.

Additional Notes

By following these steps, you will correctly fill out this form, ensuring proper documentation of the service process.

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