
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re still looking for the perfect gift for that special lawyer in your life, you’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s a pre-written letter for an inmate or an app to help organize all of their client files, there’s something on here for every type of legal professional.

Office Supplies

When you’re looking for a gift for a lawyer, the first thing to consider is what they do at work. Lawyers spend most of their time in front of a computer or with their hands on paper–so it’s best to get them something that will make their lives easier in either scenario. Here are some ideas:

  • A good pen is always appreciated! If your lawyer friend or loved one does not have an everyday carry (EDC) pen yet, then this is an excellent time to introduce them to one. For instance, I love my Fisher Space Pen Bullet because I never know when I’ll need it and it comes in handy when I’m traveling or out and about town doing errands during lunch breaks from work. Plus, it looks cool too!
  • A quality and easily portable pad of paper can also come in handy if they’re constantly taking notes during meetings. It helps them not forget anything important later down the line; plus, sometimes just having something physical written down helps jog memories better than digital notes alone might do by themselves.
  • Desk organizers are another great gift choice since they allow people who work at desks all day long to keep everything organized (I hate clutter!).

If case you decide to get your lawyer friend an office apparatus, Staples is the place to go.

Legal Software

If your lawyer friend or loved one is anything like me, they’re constantly trying to find ways to be more efficient at work. It’s not just because they’re incredibly Type A; it’s also because lawyers are always being asked by their clients for invoices, which means that if they want to keep getting paid (and keep their clients happy), they need to track their time carefully and bill accordingly. The best legal software does exactly this–RunSensible[MK1] makes it easy for lawyers to track every minute spent on a case so that when the invoice goes out at the end of the month, no one has any questions about what was done or how much it cost them in terms of payment.

Organizational Tools

If you’re looking for a gift that will help your lawyer friend or loved one keep track of all the cases they have going on, consider giving them organizational tools.

  • A calendar or day planner with a place to write down important dates, deadlines and court appearances. This is especially useful if your lawyer friend or loved one has multiple clients with different schedules and needs to stay organized.
  • A legal pad and pen (or two) so they can take notes during meetings with clients or colleagues without having to worry about running out of ink at an inconvenient time!
  • A legal binder where all their important documents are stored in one place – including contracts, briefs and motions – which makes it easy for anyone else working on these projects to find what they need quickly when needed most during trial preparation time periods like Thanksgiving break weeks when everyone else seems busy making plans outside work hours while our lawyers sit around twiddling thumbs because there’s nothing else left now until next Tuesday afternoon rolls around again…but wait! Now we’ve got everything under control thanks again thanksgiving break week!!

Desk Accessories

If your lawyer friend or loved one is like most of us, they spend a lot of time at their desk–and that means they could use some help organizing their work space. Here are a few items that will make their days more productive:

  • A small clock. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re working on an important project, but this gift will ensure that your lawyer friend never misses another deadline again!
  • Paperweight. We all know how much lawyers love paper–and now they can keep it all in one place with this handy item! Plus, it makes for great stress relief when things get stressful at work (which is often).
  • Pen holder/stand/holder thingy with pens inside it and stuff like that too…that holds pens? How about just getting them some new ones instead? Either way works here because if they’re anything like me then they’ll end up losing whatever pen I give them anyway.

A gift to a lawyer can help them efficiently and effectively do their job.

Lawyers are constantly on the clock. Time is literally money for them. A simple solution to keeping track of their work hours would really boost their performance and income, while also preventing burnout. So, if your friend or significant other is a lawyer, this valentine’s day is the perfect opportunity to give them a tool that will make their job more enjoyable, rather than hand them out another chocolate box or a Teddy bear.


We hope this list has given you some ideas on what to get your lawyer friend or loved one. We know they work hard and they deserve to be treated well for it.

If your decision this valentine’s day is to help your lawyer lover take the pressure off a little bit, visit the RunSensible website and take a look at our plans.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or professional advice.

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