Arizona Courts | Tenancy Forms – AOCLJEA6F
AOCLJEA6F – Judgment (Eviction Action) – Arizona
This form, AOCLJEA6F – Judgment (Eviction Action), is used in Arizona Justice Courts for issuing judgments in eviction actions. The form also includes a section for default judgments, instructing the plaintiff to promptly mail or deliver a copy to the defendant. It is essential for the formal process of eviction and ensures all legal steps and notifications are properly documented and executed according to Arizona law.
To fill out the Arizona Eviction Action Judgment form accurately, follow these steps:
Case Information
- Case Number: Write the case number assigned to your eviction action.
- Plaintiff(s) Name / Address / Phone: Enter the full name, address, and phone number of the plaintiff(s).
- Defendant(s) Name / Address / Phone: Enter the full name, address, and phone number of the defendant(s).
Court Appearance Details
- Hearing Date: Fill in the date when the matter was heard by the court.
- Appearance Checkboxes: Indicate whether the plaintiff and defendant appeared in person, by counsel, or failed to appear by checking the appropriate boxes.
- Subsidized Rental Property: Check the box if the matter involves a subsidized rental property.
- Notice and Service: Check the appropriate boxes to indicate if the defendant was given proper notice and opportunity to cure, and if they were properly served with the summons and complaint at least two days before the court date.
- Non-Waiver Production: If a partial rent payment was accepted, check whether a non-waiver was produced or not.
- Payment by Housing Assistance Agency: Check the box if payment was made by a housing assistance agency.
- Defendant’s Plea: Check the appropriate box for the defendant’s plea (Not Guilty/Not Responsible or Guilty/Responsible).
- Counterclaim and Stipulation: Check the boxes if the defendant has filed a counterclaim or if parties have stipulated.
Judgment Details
- Defendant’s Signature: Have the defendant sign if they consent to the terms of the judgment.
- Guilty/Responsible Finding: Check the appropriate box to indicate if the defendant was found guilty or not guilty of rent owed, non-compliance, irreparable breach, or other reasons.
- Judgment Granting: Check the boxes to indicate if judgment is granted to the plaintiff or defendant on the complaint and/or counterclaim and possession of the rental unit.
- Monetary Judgment: Fill in the amounts for unpaid rent (non-subsidized or subsidized), late fees, damages, utilities, other fees or charges, attorney fees, rental concessions, court costs, and other damages. Calculate and enter the total amounts for the plaintiff and defendant.
- Interest Rate: Enter the interest rate per annum from the date of judgment until paid in full.
- Writ of Restitution: Specify the date and time for granting the writ of restitution, ensuring it is no sooner than five calendar days after the judgment or 12-24 hours if an irreparable breach was found.
- Dismissal: Check if the case is dismissed with or without prejudice.
Certification and Signature
- Date and Signature: The Justice of the Peace should date and sign the form.
- Delivery/Mailing Certification: The clerk should check the appropriate boxes for who received a copy of the document and then sign and date this section.
Default Judgment
- Default Judgment Instructions: Note that the plaintiff must promptly mail or deliver a copy of the default judgment to the defendant.
Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.