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Illinois Court | Legal Forms – Demand for Immediate Possession

Published On: June 24th, 2024

Demand for Immediate Possession – Illinois Court

The “Demand for Immediate Possession” form, approved by the Illinois Supreme Court, is used to notify occupants of a property that they must vacate immediately. It is applicable in specific situations such as evicting squatters or trespassers. This form ensures that all necessary information is provided to support the legal process of eviction when occupants have no right to be on the property.

This form is designed to legally notify occupants that they must vacate a property immediately. This guide will help you complete the form correctly.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Date

    • Enter the current date in the space provided at the top of the form.

  • To

    • Identify all known occupants and any unknown occupants. Write their names in the designated field.

  • Property Address

    • Enter the full street address of the property, including the unit number if applicable.

    • Write the city, state, and ZIP code in the appropriate fields.

  • Demand Notice

    • Clearly state that the occupants must leave the property immediately. Mention that if they do not leave, an eviction case may be filed against them and any unknown occupants.

  • Landlord or Agent Information

    • The landlord or their agent must sign the form in the space provided.

    • Print the name of the landlord or agent beneath the signature line.

    • Enter the complete address of the landlord or agent, including street address, city, state, and ZIP code.

    • Provide a telephone number and an email address, if available.

Final Steps

  • Once the form is completed, it should be served to the occupants.

  • The person who serves the demand must then complete an “Affidavit of Service of a Demand or Notice,” which can be found on the Illinois Courts website.

Key Points to Remember

  • This form is used for immediate possession demands, such as evicting squatters or trespassers.

  • Ensure all fields are accurately filled out to avoid any legal issues.

  • After serving the notice, proper documentation of the service should be completed and retained.

By following these steps, you will ensure that the “Demand for Immediate Possession” form is properly completed and legally enforceable.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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