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Massachusetts Courts | Legal Forms – Notice of Transfer

Published On: June 17th, 2024

Notice of Transfer to Housing Court – G.L. c. 185C, § 20 Massachusetts Courts

The form titled “Notice of Transfer to Housing Court” (G.L. c. 185C, § 20) from the Massachusetts Trial Court is used to officially notify the court and all involved parties that a case is being transferred to the Housing Court. The Notice of Transfer to Housing Court form includes fields for the docket number, court division or county, defendant’s and plaintiff’s names, and contact information. The form must be filed in both the Housing Court and the court where the case was first filed no later than the day before the trial, following Rule 4 of the Uniform Summary Process Rules.

This form is used to officially transfer a case to the Housing Court in Massachusetts under General Laws c. 185C, § 20. It is crucial to fill out all the required fields accurately to ensure a smooth transfer process. Below are detailed instructions for each section of the form.

Section-by-Section Instructions

  1. Docket Number
    • Enter the unique identifier for the case. This number is usually assigned when the case is first filed in court.
  1. Court Division or County
    • Specify the division or county of the court where the case was originally filed.
  1. Defendant
    • Fill in the name of the defendant involved in the case.
  1. Plaintiff
    • Fill in the name of the plaintiff involved in the case.
  1. Certification
    • This section must be completed by the individual or representative requesting the transfer.
    • Check one: Indicate whether you are the plaintiff, defendant, or a representative of either party.
    • Affirmations: By signing this section, you confirm that:
      • A trial has not yet started in the original court.
      • No judgment has been entered in the case.
      • The case is within the subject matter and geographic jurisdiction of the Housing Court as per G.L. c. 185C, §§ 3 and 20.
      • You have delivered a copy of this notice to all opposing parties.
  1. Signature and Date
    • Sign and date the form. This must be done by the individual or the attorney who is submitting the form.
  1. Print or Type Name
    • Clearly print or type the name of the person who is signing the form.
  1. Address and Telephone Number
    • Provide your current address and a telephone number where you can be reached.
  1. List of Opposing Parties
    • List the names and addresses of all other parties involved in the case who were sent a copy of this notice.
  1. Attorney Information (if applicable)
    • If you are an attorney, provide your signature and date.
    • Include your BBO (Board of Bar Overseers) number in the space provided.
  1. Court Department
    • Select the applicable court department where the case was first filed from the options provided:
      • Boston Municipal Court (BMC)
      • District Court (DC)
      • Probate and Family Court (PFC)
      • Superior Court (SC)
  1. Filing Requirements
    • According to Rule 4 of the Uniform Summary Process Rules, this Notice of Transfer must be filed in both the Housing Court and the court where the case was originally filed no later than the day before the trial.

Final Steps

  • Ensure all required fields are filled out accurately.
  • Make copies of the completed form for your records.
  • File the form with both the Housing Court and the original court no later than the day before the trial.

By following these instructions, you can accurately complete and submit the Notice of Transfer to Housing Court form, ensuring that your case is transferred appropriately.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. You should consult the Residential Tenancies Act or a legal professional.

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